Sunday, June 30, 2013

Heat Wave!!!

Another weekend in Montana: Another family camping trip. This weekend was supposed to be special, as the dire forecasts rolled in about a massive heat wave. So we went to a shady, cool spot with a nice, cold mountain lake.

Well, this is what a Montana heat wave looks like: The temperature goes from this, with a tree on fire at 9:00 a.m.:

To this by 10:00 a.m., as we all scurried for shelter under a rain tarp and warm clothes as the temps plummeted:

All turned out as planned though by late afternoon, and Jacob took to the water in a way he never takes to his bath: joyfully (That's Jacob floating away. He floated clear to the other side of the lake, ended up tremendously upsetting some poor Loon, and then kicked his way back).

P.S. By "Loon" I do not mean one of his parents. I mean an actual Loon. As in bird. They are quite rare, but call this lake their home.

Some more action shots.

Carrie in action:

Annie in action (note the camping fashion style):

Brian in action (kids in bed. Feet up over the fire):

Well, we're getting ready to head to see Carrie's family in Colorado in a few weeks. Might not be much to report between now and then, so please keep in touch with us!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Good Times

Everyone is enjoying the summer, which seems to have arrived after a pretty hesitant start in early June. The temps can still drop, and we're not through with 50 degree days, but mostly we're in the clear. We've been fishing and camping on the weekends, and the kids have been terrorizing the street during the weekdays. Here's a few pics from our recent wanderings.

The kids have invited friends on our last two campouts. Here's Annie's down-the-street pal Tess.

Jacob preparing his lunch.

This could have been lunch, but we let him go.

Right now we have more photos than things to write about. I'll have to do a post of just pics next time.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jacob the Webelo

Tonight we attended the final Cub Scout pack event of the school year. We're very active in scouting, and spend a lot of time during the week and many weekends planning, participating in, and cleaning up after the kind of activities that grade school-aged scouters enjoy. But amongst all the bowling parties and ski trips, the kids do spend quite a bit of time learning about scouting, and all that scouting entails: citizenship, responsibility, loyalty, recycling, physical fitness, outdoor skills, team work, and on and on. So tonight was a pretty special night for Jacob and his fellow Bear Scouts, who graduated into the rank of Webelos, the last step before becoming a Boy Scout. We'll be prepared for next year's journey.