Saturday, April 24, 2010

At home in Missoula

I've hijacked Carrie's blog since she's been a bit remiss in her postings of late. Besides, I have loads of fascinating things to write!

I ran a slow 10k this morning with 1,000 other Missoulians. A lot of people passed me. People with strollers passed me. I think one lady was pregnant. A guy with only one arm left me in a cloud of dust. Next time I run a 10k, I commit to outrun the stroller pushers and the pregnant. That guy with the one arm probably has some equilibrium issues, so a gentle nudge should send him hurtling into oncoming traffic. I should finish a little higher in the order next race.

The beer in Missoula, I have found, is excellent. May I recommend the Kettlehouse Cold Smoke Porter should you find it available in your locale. The coffee is also quite enjoyable. Also, this is a very bicycle friendly town. Missoulians bicycle everywhere: to the grocery store, to work, to the bar, and of course to the coffee houses. Everyone bicycles to the coffee houses. This is mandatory.

I move into my new abode on May 3. I shall be quite glad to quit the hotel living. It's a nice hotel; the ladies clean my room every day! But I'm rather anxious, or eager - the one that means I'm excited, not the one that means I'm afraid - to live in my own place. Plus I have loads of pent-up house remodeling energy. I'm quite eager, or anxiuos, to rip something up for no good reason, like a floor or a shower, and to put it back together in only marginally better condition than that in which I found it.

Carrie and the kids should be arriving about a month from now. That's a long time in the future, even for old people. But I suppose the delay is unavoidable. Carrie assures me she is still coming.

And the fishing here sucks lately. Too much runoff and all that. Thanks for inquiring though.

Well, that is my update from Missoula. I shall sign off for now. May God bless the beer-brewers great and small!