Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Annie!

Annie has turned three and she lavished in the attention. Jacob had a hard time letting his sister be the star of the day, but we managed. She had a birthday party at pre-school, and then a small family celebration with Grandpa. Annie got many wonderful presents, including a new pink/purple bike with training wheels. Grandpa also gave Jacob his birthday present a little early. It was the much desired spiderman bike in a larger size. The last one is a video - but be cautioned to turn down the volume on the computer, as it caught mainly my voice singing (I was holding the camera.) She had a great birthday and loves being 3.

1 comment:

raquelgranet said...

Belated Happy Bday Annie! You got a nice bike, and the boys got a cool bike too! This picture reminds us our old neighborhood. When Alex saw it he said he wanted to go home and see Annie and Jacob. huhu!