Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Almost Winter

Another Halloween come and gone, and the end of Fall is right behind. We had a nice cold front a few weeks ago that left some upper-elevation snow, followed by what I expect to be the last days of fairly nice (40-50 degree and sunny) weather that we'll get this year. I'm predicting a cold and snowy winter, beginning this Thursday.

Winter in Montana is a good thing. We like the snow, and the family is looking forward to ski season. We just got our skis back from the shop, all tuned up and ready to go, including new boots for Jacob's ever-growing feet, and a new ski set-up for the old man. Jacob in particular is looking forward to skiing, now that football is over. We went to his end-of-the-season party this Saturday and the coach had some nice things to say about Jacob's leadership on the field.

Now we are all just biding our time until opening day in early December. It's going to be pretty uneventful between now and then, since for the first time in a long time no one is coming for Thanksgiving. It'll just be us and maybe a few friends. Hopefully we'll be seeing family for Christmas.

In the meanwhile we hope everyone is doing well with school and jobs and retirement, and if any of you want to do some skiing in a place where the snow is deep and the lift tickets cheap, we've got a room you can stay in.


Sandy said...

I would love to visit MT and do some skiing but it probably isn't recommended for a pregnant lady. Maybe next year!

Anonymous said...

Pregnant ladies are great skiers Sandy! All that extra front-loaded weight pulls you down the hill faster. - Brian