It has been a bit since my last post. We've moved into our new home down the street. As with any move, it was a pain. However, it went smoothly overall. The house is nicer, though much louder as it is all tile/laminate flooring. We need carpet to absorb the sounds of home with kids!
Pictures above are from a recent snow storm, by Page standards. Another is a walk to the Hanging Gardens with a friend, Adam, in the unseasonably warm weather. Kudos to Annie who walked the entire way without complaint. A definite first, and we hope not a last.
What's been going on the past several weeks? Snow days, moving, school, work, homework, playing with friends, taking another certification test in Flagstaff, and the miscellaneous of life that keeps us busy. Things of note: Jacob tested out of Kindergarten math at semester. So, they moved him to 1st grade for math lessons (1/2 day in Kindergarten and 1/2 in first grade). His homework now requires him to think a bit more, and he's not sure what he thinks of that. It's a challenge for him, and so far he'll stay in the placement. He's been drawing a dinosaur book. He got a "How to Draw Dinosaurs" book for Christmas. I think he's got about 20 dinosaurs done, and he works regularly on finishing the rest. He is quite proud of it and brought it in for show and tell. Little Annie is also very good. Her hair is finally long enough to put into proper pony tails and barrettes. She is loving pre-school, playing with her friends and trying to keep up with her brother. Annie is anxious for homework!
More news here is that we are likely on the move yet again. This time it looks like Missoula, Montana. Big Sky Country. We've lived there before, so this isn't as much of a blind move as others. Brian will head out in March or so. I'll finish out the school year and head out with the kids in late May.
That's it for now. I'll hopefully get pictures up a bit more regularly.
Well that's pretty big news! We'll be in Denver in December, wonder if we can sort out a get together? Is Montana where The Tetons are? I need to look at the jigsaw of America again! I'm excited to move, I love new places. We're having a few family things when we get back in May. My great Uncle turns 90 and Allen's mum is having a hotel spa stay for her brithday in July. We've booked to go to Lego land in Denmark in July too. I just hope Allen's knee will be up to all the travel I have planned! Will you hold off on a big holiday due to moving? You always planned to go to Europe, oh well you never know we may get Germany next. Have fun at school, say well done to Jake for his Maths move, obviously gets it all from you. Miss you all, Rachael xx
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