Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th

We had a nice holiday weekend with lots of swimming & sun. On the 4th, we went to the parade (the pictures), had a small BBQ at our house, and watched the fireworks go off. The pictures are from the parade. The top is Jacob & Adam, the middle is Eve & Annie, and the Kirchner family plus Jacob & Annie in the bottom picture. Jacob and Annie's reaction to having "bunny ears" is typical of their personalities.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hi Carrie
Glad you celebrated the 4th. We had a good party too, no brilliant sunshine though! Off out sledging after school today, had lots more snow so everyone is excited. School bus cancelled due to the road conditions but school still on! Allen home sick which is a change, he's got an infected arm and is on lots of drugs that knock him out. He's OK though. Enjoy the sun, we're jealous! xxx