Sunday, November 2, 2008


On Saturday, we headed down to Sedona for a wedding. It was the kids' first wedding, and they were very well behaved. It didn't hurt that it was an outdoor wedding, in a beautiful location on a ranch in Sedona, that the weather was perfect, and the ceremony lasted about 15 minutes. Annie kept asking when she could dance. Along the way, we drove the scenic 89A route through Oak Creek Canyon and we also stopped at another National Park. This one is located near Flagstaff, and it is called Walnut Canyon. It had been closed (well, the main attraction) due to some large boulders falling on the hiking trail. This happened in December 2007 and they opened up the trail in mid-October 2008. I remember thinking, "how could a boulder or two take that long to remove?". But after visiting the park, it is easy to see how it would be a difficult task. It was a nice hike with the kids with good scenery and interesting cliff dwellings.


Rachael said...

So did Annie get to dance? Did you stay at a hotel down there? Still sorting and packing. Will be nice once Tuesday is past. House is a tip at the moment!

Anonymous said...

the kids look great all dressed up! And it's easy to tell Annie loves being in her dress.