5 years old! We had a nice birthday party at the bowling alley on Saturday, but I forgot to take pictures. Just running around keeping track of the 5-and-under bowlers kept me from even remembering that I brought my camera. I did snap one post-party picture, with Annie in the purple party dress. Today, Jake celebrated with his pre-school class, and then we had a small celebration at home. Since we had cake on Saturday and cupcakes at pre-school, I decided to frost some sugar cookies for tonight for a change. When I was making the cookies, I needed my rolling pin, which I do own, but NEVER use. I finally gave up and remembered the kids had a plastic one in their playdough stash. I washed it off, and it worked quite nicely. The birthday boy got some great gifts, and he loved them all. I wish all of our friends and family could have been here with us. Hard to believe it has been 5 years.
Hi Carrie
Present ready to post but I thought it was Friday, sorry. Wrote you a note in the package. Glad it all went well. Off to watch the debate.
HAPPY 5TH BDAY JACOB! Bday Party at Bowling Alley was awesome.
Enjoy being 5.
We miss you.
Alex, Lois, Raquel & Jesse
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