Monday, June 23, 2008

Trip through SouthWest

We took a family car trip through the SouthWest this past weekend (Page, Arizona -- Los Alamos, New Mexico --- Durango, Colorado). We saw two national parks, Brian fished the famed Valles Caldera (, and we celebrated our 10 year anniversary along the way. I also had the chance to meet up with an old college friend (see the post below). The weather was perfect, and we got to see many sites, beautiful and remote scenery, and several Indian ruins on our journey. We enjoyed Bandelier National Park, and the kids especially enjoyed the cliff dwellings. They were allowed to climb ladders and visit some of the rooms. We also stopped briefly to see the Jemez pueblo ruins. The scenery of New Mexico was strikingly beautiful. Next on the stop was Durango, Colorado which is a great little mountain town. On the way home, we passed by Mesa Verde National Park. We decided to stop, only to discover that it cannot be seen in a few hours. That's okay, we have plans to come back again to take it all in. But for now, we'll spend some time at home.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Hi Carrie
Glad the trip went well, we did think about you. We are going to go down to Durango with my mum and dad in September so I'll have to get some ideas on what's worth vising. Dad wants to go there to do the Durango Silverton train trip. Also still need to try and sort a date for meeting up somewhere!