Sunday, September 30, 2007

Camping in Flagstaff

Camping was a bona-fide success for the kiddos, and the adults, too. We all had a great time at Mormon Lake in Flagstaff. Having Aunt Annie was, of course, the icing on the cake.

The kids loved the tent - in fact we put them to bed in the tent about 7:45 pm, and with the flashlight on, they entertained each other for 3 hours! We heard phrases like "Ladies and Gentleman" from Jake, as well as stories about a rocket ship. But we really don't know what they were doing, except for the requests to go potty.

We stopped in downtown Flagstaff to meet up with Aunt Annie and have a drink on Friday afternoon. Then on Saturday (Public Lands Day), Aunt Annie and Brian did some trail work. Jacob, little Annie and I did some crafts, toured the grounds, watched the horses, met the birds of prey they had there. Later we were introduced to Smokey the Bear. Little Annie got a real kick of the life-size teddy bear. The bottom picture shows a felled tree, that the kids saw crash to the ground.
So, it looks like we'll be camping again in the future.
P.S. McVay family -- Mormon Lake Lodge looks almost identical to when we were there 15 years ago. We snapped a picture, but it didn't turn out so great. Brought back memories of a good time.


Rachael said...

Hi Carrie
It looked fun! We're going to try a lodge at Estes Park next weekend. Am going to put a photo of our'new'car on my blog. Children are outside playing with a toy rocket thing and collecting leaves for school.
PS Was it cold camping?

carriesweatland said...


It was chilly, yes. Flagstaff is about the same elevation as Breckenridge, and has the same geography and temps. (perhaps Breck is a bit cooler.) So, it was near freezing at night time, but pleasant during the day. Kids did fine, as we bundled them up and stuck them in the tent as soon as the sun went down.

Have a great time at Estes Park & Rocky Mountain National Park. I'd highly recommend the hike to Bear Lake, and up to Nymph lake (same trail). They aren't that far and the kids can walk. Well, you might carry them some if you go to Nymph Lake. Enjoy. Take pictures. It's beautiful.` Carrie

ceri said...

looks like a fun trip, carrie. i can't wait to do more hiking with owen. at the moment, he tends to complain if he has to walk more than 10 paces.