Sunday, October 16, 2011

Video from Birthday Party

The corn maze, where Jake had his party, is held at a former school, and it still had the old-fashioned teeter-totters. You don't see them very often, as they are no longer put on playgrounds: too dangerous. But, they sure are fun. Little Annie is in the yellow sweatshirt; Jake is wearing his birthday crown and maroon fleece. Thanks Pum for taking the video!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Jake's Birthday & Other

Just a few pictures to upload. Jake has his 8th birthday at the Missoula Corn Maze, which was a lot of fun. It is a pretty extensive maze made out of hay bales and also cut into a corn field. We also went to a local fishing lake, Beavertail Pond, and had a nice fall afternoon. Jake caught a large trout and one small pumpkin seed. Annie and I talked, read, wrote and enjoyed the sun.