My side of the family all met in
Puerto Aventuras, Yucatan
Pennisula of Mexico for a week of family and beach fun. It was Aunt Annie,
Grampa John, Uncle Mike, Aunt Kathy, cousins Kelli & John, and of course, the
Sweatlands. Getting together like this is a rare
occurrence, and we all fell into an easy, relaxed routine. The beaches were white-sand with turquoise water, and we had outings which included boat-fishing and seeing the ruins of
Tulum. On the fishing trip, each kid caught at least one fish. Johnny took the prize for first fish and Brian took the prize for biggest fish. Jake was thrilled to catch his relatively smaller fish, but also knows first-hand what sea sickness means. The heat and sun-tan lotion got the best of little Annie at the ruins of
Tulum, but a cool coca-cola seemed to be the magic cure. This is not surprising to those who know Annie. Kelli, Annie, Jake and Aunt Annie got to swim with the dolphins, each getting to ride and kiss the dolphins, except Jake did not want to kiss the dolphins. He steadfastly refused and opted for a handshake instead. This is also not surprising for those who know him. Other than that it was a week of swimming, sand, drinks, food, games and family. The blog limits me to 5 pictures, but I have about 75 more that capture the memories of a fantastic week. We are very fortunate to have taken this trip, and hopefully our future will hold more.