We decided to take a road-trip to some of the parks in the Southwest. We had such a great time! There is almost too much to write about, just as there are too many pictures to post. So here is a quick overview of our trip in numbers:
2026 = Number of miles driven
12 = Number of National Park Service sites visited
2 = Number of state/BLM sites visited
4 = Nights in Arizona
4= Nights in New Mexico
46 = Lowest Temperature on trip @ 12 Noon in El Mapais
97 = Highest Temperature on trip @ 3:20 in Saguaro
14 = Number of hikes (short and long)
1.9 mi = Longest hike for Jacob(480 ft elevation gain) in Chiricahua
.9 mi = Longest hike for Annie in Saguaro
7 = Number of coloring/activity books used by the kids
7 = Number of coloring/activity books used by the kids
0 = Number of movies watched in the car
249 = Number of pictures taken
7 = Number of Mexican food restaurants for dinner
6 = Number of times we had Peanut Butter & Jelly for a picnic lunch
450 = # of times, approximate, the kids asked when we'd get there
Still Counting = # of times the kids fought, told on each other
Still Counting = # of times the kids laughed and played
The parks we saw: Tonto, Saguaro, Casa Grande, Chiricahua, Fort Bowie, Gila Cliff Dwellings, White Sands, Salinas Pueblo Missons, Petroglyph, El Mapais, El Morro, Petrified Forest. It was so impressive to see all the places. Each one was so unique, surprising in what it had to offer, and completely enjoyable. Details on any of the them can be found on http://www.nps.gov/
Cities we stopped/stayed in: Globe, AZ; Tucson, AZ; Silver City, NM; Las Cruces, NM; Alamagordo, NM; Albuquerque, NM; Flagstaff, AZ. Thanks to Kevin & Cate who kindly opened their beautiful home to us in Alamagordo! It was great to catch up with you.
Care to see all the pictures? http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLanding.action?c=f8ldrdv.4ex3rwlj&x=0&y=-rfee2n&localeid=en_US